Posts tagged “photos

but we had no fear

psalm 37:4


you’re better off if you don’t ask why

last week i was wayyyy too busy for thankful thursday.

but i’m jumping back in this week with julia & jamie.

[one] i’m thankful for band-aids to cover up my huge blister on my foot so i don’t feel like screaming all the time.

[two] i’m thankful for my sweet grandparents who kept annie girl last weekend when i went to florida.

[three] things that make me laugh (reference the picture below).

[four] i’m thankful for being busy. it’s tiring but i like it better than not being busy, helps keep my mind occupied.

[five] i’m thankful for my dad who is taking my car to be serviced for me because i HATE doing it myself.

bowl of stupid


everything was slipping right out of our hands

been a little mia lately.

it’s busy around here these days with my internship, work at school, school & everything else going on.

but being busy is good for me, especially right now.

i managed to squeeze in 5 miles yesterday but in the process i rubbed a blister on the arch of my foot (yeah, didn’t know that was possible) that’s almost 2 inches long.

wearing shoes hurts so bad right now 😦

salt air


i want to go to the beach sooooo bad right now!

but i’m off to my internship, then school.

& tonight i’m meeting corrine to see pat green at speedstreets 🙂

drown out these embers

i’m soooo glad it’s thursday because that means the week is almost over & it’s thankful thursday!

this week is thankful thursday in pictures, link up with julia & jamie!

[one] i’m thankful for inspiration, because sometimes i just feel blank.


[two] i’m thankful for dark chocolate, it calms me when i want to throw stuff, like yesterday (& now i really want to make dark chocolate dipped twizzlers).

dark chocolate twizzler


[three] i’m thankful for friends.

true friends


[four] i’m thankful for motivation (i’m totally making one of these some day).

race bibs


[five] i’m thankful for the feeling that there may still be time for a fairytale.

fairytale room


what are you thankful for?

you’ve really made me believe that love was supposed to be free

the last few days have not my favorite days for a few reasons.

i hate it when i get down because i know there are people who have issues worse than mine.

but it was at the point where i just needed/wanted something good to happen.

while sitting through a redundant class last night i stumbled upon pinterest.

i spent the entire class browsing the site & finding photos that totally inspired me.

pretty things i found…..




this is what it is


i shine because of You

pretty picture day.


rainbows & butterflies


wishing time would stop right in it’s tracks

i’m headed to the coast to clear my mind & have my own roman holiday.


tuesday it’s back to work & back to school & only 9 more weeks of this quarter 🙂

throwing a lasso around a tornado


you’re a lover, i’m a runner

i’ve always had this problem being content.

always looking for what’s next, what i can change, something new to amuse me.

i wish i could just be fine with what is happening now.

i look regularly at job openings in my field for when i graduate (but this just makes me even less content, september graduation is just too far away).

as part of my new years resolutions (will post more about them later) i am going to try to be happier with what i’m currently doing.

i have a wonderful life & a loving family & i have nothing (important) to complain about, so i shouldn’t complain at all.

for example, i hate my 45 minute drive to & from work & school, but i will not complain anymore because i actually have a car & don’t have to rely on others or ride a bus/subway/train/lightrail/etc. & i’m so thankful for that.


i am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

i love it when a song make you think of a specific time in life.

i’ve had itunes/ipod of shuffle lately while doing work (i literally can’t think enough to make a decision) & so many songs have come on that just make me smile.

vindicated [dashboard confessional] shuffled through recently & i thought of the days in highschool when i swore i would NEVER listen to dashboard. not because i didn’t like them but because they were a trend & popular. i for some reason had this desire to be different.

i remember though, my best friend had made a mix cd (yes, pre-ipod) with vindicated on it. i actually (secretly) liked it.

one afternoon senior year we had a half day & i went over to see one of my friends at nc state (my high school was like 2 miles from campus). he was shocked when he got in my car because i had ALWAYS refused to listen to anything but country.

we watched wimbledon that afternoon & sat on tucker beach because it was strangely warm for early spring.

this is what i always think of when i hear vindicated. sitting on tucker beach, watching college kids walk to class, & being carefree.


so tell me what your secret is

so i didn’t get to watch the cma awards wednesday night because i had class. not cool. now that i’m caught up there were some beautiful dresses (& some hideous ones, but i won’t be mean). & i’ve watched a few of the performances on youtube. i’m a little annoyed i missed it, i love love love miranda lamber & i wanted her to win everything!

my 2 favorite dresses were miranda lambert’s & joanna garcia. classic & elegant.

& i love this song so i really liked taylor swift’s performance.

favortie quote of the night, julienne hough on her dress…..

“i think it’s a really fun dress; it kind of looks like a gothic cake topper!”

i guess i think it’s funny because it looks like something i would wear/say.

[all dress pictures via]

it sucks i missed it, but maybe i’ll get to watch next year (you know since i should have graduated by then & shouldn’t have class 🙂 )

traffic crawls, cell phone calls

if anyone would like to finance a trip & do my school work for a week, i would like to go on vacation so i could maybe just find my sanity & remember what my eyes look like not bloodshot. thanks!


i’ve never heard silence quite this loud

everything has been a whirlwind lately, i feel like i get one thing crossed off my list & then 5 more things are added. classes this quarter are not crazy hard, just time comsuming & require more time actually at school. but, in a week & a half i’ll be DONE with all of my gen ed classes & halfway through this quarter, which means i’ll have 3 & a half quarters LEFT!. crazy.


but this weekend is the festival by the sea.

i’m so excited.

this means…..

i get to see my sister.

we get a funnel cake.

family time.

i get other greasy fair food (i’ve been eating a lot healthier so i deserve a little tasty food, right?)

fun crafty booths to peruse.

halloween themed wine tasting at the local wine & art shop.

the smell of salty air.

annie gets to wear her halloween costume.


i am giving myself a task for this weekend….. TAKE PICTURES.

we’ll see how it goes 🙂


have a wonderful thursday y’all 🙂

i liked it better when you were on my side

today needs a to-do list because since i don’t have class till 6 pm, i’ll find myself watching tv or just lounging today when i should be doing something productive. but i’m not actually going to write one, but if i write it down that i HAVE to do something today i think i’ll be more likely too, right?

i’ve craving this ever since i’m trying to cut back on carbs.


keeping all the letters that i wrote to you

i loved kristen stewart’s dress at the scream awards.


we were brave, we were crazy

hello thursday afternoon.

feeling a bit overwhelmed for the start of my weekend.

& i really don’t like it.


taking a deep breath then back to the madness.

happy almost weekend 🙂

when i look back now


cowboy casanova

hello saturday.

i was lazy this morning,

but out to run errands now,

gym/cleaning/school work later.


have a wonderful day 🙂


i hope you’re not afraid of heights

i can’t help it.

this is the most adorable thing ever.


& i want to make one.

the banks of that distant shore

2 weeks ago i made rainbow cupcakes with fruitloops on top!

they were so good.

mom asked me to make some for her students.

which i’m totally going to do because they were so fun to make & looked super cute!

but i’m also going to surprise them with these!


trix treats!

they are ADORABLE.

even on my weakest day, i get a little bit stronger


where does the weekend go?

it felt like the world would freeze with john f kennedy & the beatles

this is my ultimate outfit.

[image via this post]

i found it at a blog called my edit.

i don’t have a sequin skirt but i have my black lace one…..

how adorable would it be with a plaid shirt & my new riding boots!?